I have stumbled on a photo of a person wearing a robo suit while searching for some images to use for a litte practice editing. And after that i find myself search for the details of this suit and here pops alot more search results that i have come to like. Well yeah this robo suit articles were already 2 yrs but it might be worth posting it.

First comes the robo suits as the image from the left shows HAL5. HAL or Hybrid Assistive Limb which are capable of increasing their users strength of up to 5 times. This robo suit sync with the user movement by detecting muscel movements from the user skin.
With this it can help the old people from moving with out bothering their care taker.

Next is the land walker a one-man, two-legged supposed walker transport, 3.40 metres in height. The vehicle's design features a cockpit, two legs, and two air cannons (each firing large rubber balls). The legs end in feet containing wheels that help push the walker forward.
Hiroshi Ishiguro is a busy man. Between his two jobs, countless meetings and presentations, his demanding schedule was eating up all his time. So he built an android version of himself to pick up the slack.
can you figure out which one is the android? and which one is the real human?
There ae still alot other robots and robo suits out there like the one made by
sarcos or a robot like asimo of honda